Penjelasan Lengkap Causative Verbs (have/get – let – make – help) Beserta Contoh

Hay Learners, kali ini admin akan membahas mengenai Causative VerbsCausative Verb menunjukkan bahwa seseorang atau sesuatu secara tidak langsung bertanggung jawab terhadap suatu tindakan. Causative verb dapat digunakan untuk menunjukkan seseorang yang melakukan sesuatu yang diinginkan oleh orang lain. Kita bisa menggunakan kalimat permintaan bahkan dengan memaksa sekalipun.


Kita dapat membuat kalimat aktif maupun pasif menggunakan have/get. Perhatikan contoh di bawah ini.

  • Active   : Sinta is having his brother to service her car
  • Passive : Sinta is having her car serviced by his brother

  • Active   : Deny got Indra to cut his hair
  • Passive : Deny got his hair cut by Indra

Contoh kalimat lain:

  •          Ina had his secretary arrange the meeting.
  •          Indra is getting his father to take his photograph.
  •          Riza is having her clothes washed.



Kita dapat menggunakan kalimat aktif dengan menggunakan make. Makna make lebih kuat daripada have/get. Make lebih bersifat memaksa.

subject + make + complement + verb 1

Contoh kalimat:

  •          The teacher is making the students be quiet in the class.
  •          The judge made the murderer admis his crime.
  •          The manager has made his employees attend the meeting.



Kita dapat menggunakan let sebagai causative yang berarti mengizinkan.

subject + let + complement + verb 1

Contoh kalimat:

  •          My father let his son go to Bali with his friend.
  •          My mother let me cook in the kitchen.
  •          I let her ride my bike.



Help dapat digunakan sebagai causative. Help biasanya diikuti oleh simple form atau infinitive.

subject + help + complement + verb 1

Contoh kalimat:

  •          Akil helped Sani clean the house.
  •          Hana helped Dila fing her ring.



  1. The teacher made Roni ________ (leave) the class.
  2. Riza had his motorcycle ________ (repair) by a mechanic.
  3. Resti got Reta ________ (write) her letter.
  4. I made Adi ________ (call) his friend on the telephone.
  5. She got her apartment ________ (paint) last week.
  6. The policeman made the robber ________ (throw) his weapon.
  7. The teacher let Bobi ________ (go) to the bathroom.
  8. She always has her car ________ (fix) by the same mechanic.
  9. Lina got his letter ________ (send) to her parents.
  10. Andy is getting his hair ________ (cut) tomorrow.


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